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Partnership Information

The Hennepin County Fair is held annually at the Corcoran Lion’s Park, located at 19101 County Road 101, Corcoran, MN 55340

The Fair’s vision is to provide interactive, multigenerational, educational, competitive entertainment opportunities in Hennepin County.

By sponsoring the county fair, the Hennepin County Agricultural Society provides:

  • A safe and respectful environment where all are welcome
  • Competitive exhibits for all ages
  • A variety of family entertainment opportunities
  • 4-H activity, including but not limited to education, competition, entertainment venues
  • Agricultural education and history
  • A platform for youth leadership
  • An opportunity for businesses and non-profits to showcase their products

Attached you will find a partnership form that will aid the fair in accomplishing the goals. We function with a free gate which enables more people to attend and experience fair events. The Hennepin County Fair would like to extend the opportunity for your business to be a part of this County long held event.

If you have any questions in regard to being a partner, please reach out to our County Fair board President – Mike Rouillard – 612-221-3519

Please review the Partnership Application Form linked below, for the different possibilities for partnership. That form may be completed and returned to:
7403 Hickory Lane
Corcoran, MN 55340

We look forward to hearing from you and having you as a partner for this great community event.

Here's some fun and interesting facts about the Hennepin County Fair,

The Hennepin County Agricultural Society was the first organized in the state.

The fair was originally held at their own fairgrounds in Hopkins, then moved to the Hennepin County Public Works facility in Hopkins when the County sold the fairgrounds.

The Hennepin County Fair moved to the Corcoran Lion’s Park in 1982.

Partnership Application form

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